Monday, February 20, 2012

The Angel's Empty Hands

This Sunday I'm going to be preaching on an aspect of the temptation in the wilderness that is intriguing and which sets the stage for the season of Lent.
In the wilderness Satan tempts Jesus to leap off the temple's highest point, calm in the assurance that the angels would bear him up in their hands.  It must have been very tempting.  Jesus was being treated poorly for a human, much less for the Son of God.  It would have been very gratifying to make this dramatic gesture and have the expressions on all their faces change from sneers and disgusted frowns to looks of regretful astonishment.
But Jesus resisted the temptation and the angels hands were left empty.
There are several important lessons for Jesus' disciples to take from Jesus' example.

Call to Repentance
Hebrews 10:30-31 (page 1874)

Call to Worship
Psalm 91 (page 930)

OT Reading
Job 19:23-29 (page 811)

NT Reading
Matthew 4:1-11 (page 1499)

The Angel's Empty Hands
Matthew 4:6 (page 1500)

1 comment:

Mr. Mcgranor said...

How is it all coming along?