Saturday, March 12, 2011

Readings for Sunday, March 13th

This Sunday I'm going to be preaching on sin, and particularly the sin of lust.  This seems strange to me.  Given the fact that our lives are taking place in a dramatic context of insecurity and turbulence both on the global level (natural catastrophes, economic collapse, wars and rumors of wars) and on the personal level (matters of health, and finance and more) it would seem that a sermon on the topic of God's sovereignty and God's faithfulness would be more welcome.
That's why I was surprised when I felt God was urging me to preach on this passage and this topic of lust.  
But here's the thing about lust: we reject it not because it's bad and will get us in trouble (although it is bad and will get us in trouble.)  The best and most effective reason in the end for rejecting lust is that purity is so much better.  "Blessed are the pure in heart" Jesus says, "for they shall see God."  I want to see God.  
This world's sinking ship is listing horribly, but, though we stand on its deck at the moment, we need not list with it.  We can stand as straight here as we will in glory.  
The faces of the world have the slack intensity of those who regard the vivid images of urgent news and exposed skin as if possessed by those images.  I want my face to bear the smile of one for whom the veil has been pulled back and the blur been removed, as one who sees God face to face and needs nothing more for delight and meaning.
Then, when I can smile and see rightly the right thing, let the world lurch and convulse: I will not lurch with it.

Call to Repentance
1 Peter 2:11-12  (page 1888)

Call to Worship
Psalm 84  (page 922)

OT Reading
Proverbs 4:10-19  (page 989)

NT Reading
Colossians 3:1-14  (page 1834)

That Gibbering Ape
Romans 6:11-13  (page 1754)

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