Sorry about the hiatus! Back to due diligence, right?
This Sunday I'll be preaching on the intersection of submission and freedom. We should make it our goal to be no less submissive here than we will be in heaven, and no less free here than we will be in glory. In the passage I'll be preaching on Peter tells us to be subject to all earthly authorities in verse 13, but then a few verses later we're told to "live as people who are free."
These wrinkles of contradiction don't get ironed out naturally. It takes some practice to get it right. But fundamentally it is our eternal condition that makes it possible. People who anticipate casting their crown before the throne of God in glory will feel that they can afford to submit to (relatively puny) authorities here. And people who look forward to an eternity of freedom unshadowed by even the cloud of sin's awareness, will feel that they can take the risk of behaving free now.
Call to Repentance
1 Peter 2:11 (page 1888)
Call to Worship
Psalm 138 (page 973)
OT Reading
Psalm 119:41-48 (page 959)
NT Reading
Titus 3:1-8 (page 1859)
Free, and Free To Not Be
1 Peter 2:13-17 (page 1888)